Thursday, 22 December 2011


So, my mother has been visiting and I thought for sure there would be no problem painting my nails, taking pictures and posting to this blog.  But of course I was obviously wrong I didn't get anything done at all.

Well, at least now I know for the next time I visit I'll need to set posts up ahead of time, or declare that I am taking a short break.

So, please don't think that I have abandoned something that I just started.

Also, I am trying to write up a disclosure notice, if anyone has any tips or things that should be included please let me know, thanks!


  1. There is a website that makes a legal one for you. You just put in your info and its free. It's what I used for mine. Alot of other bloggers do, too.

    Hope that helps!

  2. I replied your question on my blog...If you need more help or anything feel free to email me


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